52 research outputs found

    Uraz psychiczny a tożsamość grupowa ā€” czy możliwa jest kultura przebaczenia i pojednania?

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    In taking into consideration the culture of forgiveness and reconciliation processes, the essential idea was to describe them within the dynamics of deep narcissistic wounds, the sequence of confrontation with trauma and the mourning of losses, thereby allowing forgiveness and possibly even reconciliation to occur. In conclusion, I underline the mourning process as the most important precondition for the capacity to believe to reemerge, and the forgiving process to develop. That process should unfold in four stages: confrontation, mourning, forgiving, and then reconciliation, as well as a five step process that should unfold on both sides in a conflict. Besides individual psychotherapy, group modalities in dealing with severe stress situations are recommended as the approach of choice, enabling open talk about traumatic experiences and their consequences and thus opening the possibility for restoration of the capacity to believe, and for the mourning, forgiving and reconciliation processes to develop.Rozpatrując kulturę przebaczenia i proces pojednania, należy je opisywać w kontekście dynamiki głębokich ran narcystycznych ā€” sekwencji zdarzeń od konfrontacji prowadzącej do powstania ran, po ktĆ³rej następuje żałoba po stracie, będąca punktem wyjścia do przebaczenia, a może nawet pojednania. Podsumowując, w niniejszej pracy podkreślono znaczenie procesu żałoby jako najważniejszego czynnika warunkującego zdolność do odzyskania wiary i przejście do kolejnego etapu procesu prowadzącego do przebaczenia. Ten proces powinien obejmować cztery stadia: konfrontację, żałobę, przebaczenie, a następnie pojednanie; może to być rĆ³wnież pięcioetapowy proces, w ktĆ³rym uczestniczą obie strony konfliktu. OprĆ³cz indywidualnej psychoterapii jako metodę z wyboru zaleca się terapię grupową ukierunkowaną na radzenie sobie z poważnymi sytuacjami stresowymi, w czasie ktĆ³rej można otwarcie rozmawiać o traumatycznych przeżyciach i ich następstwach, co otwiera drogę do odzyskania wiary i rozpoczęcia procesu żałoby, przebaczenia i pojednania


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    Depression is one of the most frequent mood disorders. The spectrum of its meanings is very complex. Symptoms of depression can be felt at every stage of life. Depressed mood states can, as for intensity, show the clinical picture that varies from mood changes to psychotic states. In this presentation, it is described a case of the patient who since early childhood showed the symptoms of ADHD that was showing as a comorbidity feelings of depression, which have significantly hindered the emotional maturation of the person. This etiological clarification has led to effective treatment, including the psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic approach


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    Depression is one of the most frequent mood disorders. The spectrum of its meanings is very complex. Symptoms of depression can be felt at every stage of life. Depressed mood states can, as for intensity, show the clinical picture that varies from mood changes to psychotic states. In this presentation, it is described a case of the patient who since early childhood showed the symptoms of ADHD that was showing as a comorbidity feelings of depression, which have significantly hindered the emotional maturation of the person. This etiological clarification has led to effective treatment, including the psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic approach

    Group Membersā€™ Assessment of Their Conductor in Small Analytic Group

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    In this pilot study the authors present the group membersā€™ assessment of their conductor in group analysis ā€“ the treatment conducted in accordance with concept Ā»groupas- a-wholeĀ« of S. H. Foulkes. There will be presented the results obtained by scale for evaluation of characteristics of the group therapist. In the scale, developed by the authors of the study, there were 30 items and by factorial analysis it gave three interpretable factors: authenticity, empathy and distrust. By self-evaluation the members of three small groups, i.e. 20 patients, ranked characteristics of their conductor. The patients, assessing the degree of their accordance with 30 items of the evaluation scale, expressed whether and how much they experienced their conductor as an authentic, empathic and trustworthy person. While in the beginning of the group analytic process the conductorā€™s role was important, his importance decreased as the group-as-a-whole developed. Group experience became more important than the conductor. In other words, the group itself became the therapist, what is one more the proof of the Foulkesā€™ concept of Ā»the groupas- a-wholeĀ«


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    U ovom radu opisuju se ideja terapijske zajednice te njezina primjenjivost i vrijednost za funkcioniranje psihijatrijskog odjela i ostalih jedinica za skrb za mentalno zdravlje. Opisuju se značajke funkcioniranja terapijskih zajednica počevÅ”i od akutnog psihijatrijskog odjela i prvih koraka u resocijalizaciji psihijatrijskih pacijenata koji trpe od akutnih psihotičnih poremećaja ili pogorÅ”anja u tijeku kroničnog psihotičnog procesa. Terapijske zajednice uključuju različite teorijske pristupe, ali autor ističe posebnu vrijednost psihodinamskog pristupa i razumijevanja grupne dinamike. Taj rad ujedno napominje selektivni pristup izboru pacijenata za rad u malim grupama za pacijente sa psihozom, koje mogu imati neÅ”to viÅ”e terapijske ciljeve u smislu rehabilitacije psihotičnih pacijenata. U praktičnom radu, ako je ozračje na psihijatrijskom odjelu izrazito pod utjecajem psihomotorički agitiranih pacijenata koji iznose svoje doživljaje pod utjecajem vlastitih sumanutih proživljavanja, opisuje se način rada u obliku ā€žjedine grupne seanseā€œ. U tom kontekstu opisuje se i uloga grupnog terapeuta i terapijskog tima u stvaranju terapijskoga ozračja, odnosno poticanju pozitivnih transferno-kontratransfernih odnosa u omogućivanju konstruktivnog terapijskog ozračja između terapeuta / terapijskog tima i pacijenata.This paper describes the idea of a therapeutic community and its applicability and value to the functioning of the psychiatric ward and other mental health care units. Characteristics of the functioning of therapeutic communities are described starting with the acute psychiatric ward and the first steps in the resocialization of psychiatric patients suffering from acute psychotic disorders or worsening during the course of a chronic psychotic process. Therapeutic communities include different theoretical approaches, but the author emphasizes the particular value of a psychodynamic approach and understanding of group dynamics. This modality also provides a selective approach in the selection of patients for small groups of patients with psychosis, which may have slightly higher therapeutic goals in terms of rehabilitation of psychotic patients. In practical work, if the atmosphere in the psychiatric ward is strongly influenced by agitated patients who present their experiences under the influence of their own delusional experiences, the modality of the ā€˜single group sessionā€™ format is described. In that context, the role of group therapists and the therapeutic team in creating the therapeutic atmosphere, that is, in fostering positive transference-countertransference relationships in facilitating a constructive therapeutic atmosphere between the therapist/therapeutic team and patients, is also described


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    Nužnost odnosa s drugima od početka postojanja ljudskog bića ukazuje na važnost kulturnih utjecaja, koji nakon zadovoljavanja osnovnih bioloÅ”kih potreba i emocionalne intersubjektivne razmjene i razvoja privrženosti dovode na scenu kulturu grupe kojoj osoba pripada. To prepletanje bioloÅ”kog i kulturnog, unutarnjeg i vanjskog, projekcije unutarnjeg prema vanjskom i dojmovi koje vanjski elementi ostavljaju na unutarnji svijet pojedinca čine proces oblikovanja ličnosti, osobnog i grupnog identiteta u svim složenim međusobnim odnosima. Ovaj rad odnosi se na načine na koje kulturni utjecaji uobličuju izražavanje osjećanja, doživljavanja, miÅ”ljenja i reagiranja pojedinaca unutar njihovih grupa i etničkih grupa te na načine na koje se ti procesi zrcale u radu s grupama.The necessity to relate with others from the very beginning of existence of human being indicate the importance of cultural influences that after basic biological needs and emotional intersubjective exchanges have been satisfied brings to the scene culture of the group they belong. This intertwining of biological and cultural, inner and outer worlds, and projections of the inner towards outer and impressions that external elements bring into internal world of a person represent the process of forming of a personality, personal and group identity in all their complex interrelationships.This paper relates to the ways on which cultural influences shape expressions of feelings, experiences, thinking and reacting of persons inside their groups, and ethnicities, and on ways in which these processes mirror when working with groups
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